About Show-Dex

Show-Dex was founded in 2021; we are a team who are passionately obsessed with collecting and all things trading cards. We have a love for this community and thoroughly enjoy engaging with so many of you daily. We also have a passion for showcasing our cards with the community and checking out all of your collections, for sometimes longer than we would care to admit. We are an ambitious bunch and wanted to launch a brand that the community can connect with whilst also delivering high quality products that you will enjoy. We have a huge range of projects & products lined up and we cannot wait to share them with you all.

Engagement is key and we want to experience this journey with as many of you as possible so we would love to hear from you. If you have made it this far, be sure to drop us a follow on Instagram (@showdex3511) and shoot us a message - we love to talk all things cards and collectibles and have a keen eye for a trade.

Below you will see 6 icons that aim to illustrate the core brand pillars that underpin everything we are aiming to do at Show-Dex. As we grow as a brand and a community these will naturally evolve, but will still continue to be our fundamental principles & objectives that stay with us on this wonderful journey. Thank You!

The Show-Dex Team.

  • S H O W C A S E

  • C O L L E C T

  • P R O T E C T

  • C O M M U N I T Y

  • G I V E A W A Y S

  • E X C E L L E N C E